This update includes the latest version of microG, including the possibility to get Exposure Notification enabling users to download a Covid-19 Government specified contact tracing application, should they wish to do so.
If you want to use this feature, just follow our How To! As a reminder, on /e/OS this framework is deactivated by default.
V0.13 also provides bug fixes and security patches so don’t forget to update your device!
Thanks to the work of our development team and the feedback from our volunteer testers, /e/OS is now supported on the GS290. Download /e/OS and follow the steps in our documentation, and give your phone a privacy overhaul! If you prefer a ready to go solution, the /e/-GS290 is also available for pre-order.
User’s data privacy and finding alternatives to regain control over our data has never been a more pressing issue than it is today. The timing is great to build something new!
Your contribution is key to the success of an ambitious project like ours!