Leaving Apple & Google: Take part in our survey, Welcome /e/OS 1.9

  • Take part in our survey
  • Welcome /e/OS 1.9 

Take part in our survey

Contribute to the project by sharing your feedback!

We are currently conducting an anonymous segmentation survey to better understand our user base regarding technology and privacy related services. This will, in turn, allow us to continue to improve the OS and services we offer as well as help us find more people for whom /e/OS would be a good fit.

The survey is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. If you would like to participate and share about your experience with /e/OS & Murena you can follow the link here.

Your feedback is invaluable to the success of the project!

Welcome /e/OS 1.9 !

We are happy to release a new version of /e/OS! Enjoy new improvements it embeds. 

We’ve made slight changes in widget names for better consistency, added improvements & fixes in several apps (App Lounge, Mail, Advanced Privacy & eDrive…). 

To benefit from all new features and improvements, update your phone in ‘System updates’ in your phone settings menu to /e/OS 1.9.

As always, make sure you have the latest update running on your phone!

Support the project!

User’s data privacy and finding alternatives to regain control over our data has never been a more pressing issue than it is today. The timing is great to build something new!

Your contribution is key to the success of an ambitious project like ours!

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