Leaving Apple & Google:

  • /e/OS x Fairphone partnership video
  • New on the blog: “Elivia”, towards an /e/ smart assistant?
  •  Help us test the GS290

/e/OS x Fairphone partnership video

Take a look behind the scenes of our partnership with Fairphone and enjoy these exclusive interviews with our respective teams.

We’re explaining what happens to your data when you use your smartphone, how /e/OS lets you stay in control and why Fairphone and /e/ make such a good team!

We are very pleased to share this video project with you!

New on the blog: “Elivia”, towards an /e/ smart assistant?

In this article Gaël shares about the privacy concerns around omnipresent smart assistants as well as a new project, Elivia, by students of the PoC R&D Center that aims to create an open source personal assistant that respects the privacy of its users.

You can read the full post on Gaël’s blog here.

Help us test the GS290

We are looking for testers to share feedback on the GS290 with /e/OS!

If you are interested, you can find all the information to sign up here.

If you want to be among the first to be able to purchase an /e/-GS290, send us an email at gs290@e.email.

Support the project!

User’s data privacy and finding alternatives to regain control over our data has never been a more pressing issue than it is today. The timing is great to build something new!

Your contribution is key to the success of an ambitious project like ours!

Contribute, test & report bugs in /e/OS

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