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Leaving Apple & Google: All you need to know about App Lounge; Follow eFoundation and Murena news!
- Deeper dive: App Lounge
- Follow eFoundation and Murena news!
With the release of /e/OS v1, came several new or upgraded tools and features helping you regain the control over your personal data when using your smartphone. That is why a few weeks ago we started a series of articles diving deeper into these /e/OS features so that you can make the most of each of them and better understand how they work.
Deeper dive: App Lounge

To continue this series, we would like to get your attention to our own application installer called App Lounge. We developed this tool to let you search and install any Android application, Open Source applications and Progressive Web Apps.
The operating system lets you run any Android app by default, so in the end you don’t have to trade off your privacy for usability. In App Lounge you will also find better application compatibility that we developed, for instance by improving SafetyNet support.
Learn more about App Lounge in our user documentation, in Medium and our community forum.
App Lounge is currently available only within /e/OS ecosystem, and we are working to make this a standalone app in the future.
If you ever missed our first article about Advanced Privacy, you can read it in our user documentation, in Medium and our community forum.
Follow eFoundation and Murena news!
Our project evolves and our newsletters as well. From now on, you can also subscribe to the Murena newsletter to receive news about Murena smartphones, Murena cloud, offers or new services.
What is the difference?
Murena newsletter is a new option. This newsletter is focused only on Murena smartphones, Murena Cloud and special offers concerning our phones, new collaborations and online services.
And last but not least, we have our common announcement Telegram channel and our support channel.
Support the project!
User’s data privacy and finding alternatives to regain control over our data has never been a more pressing issue than it is today. The timing is great to build something new!
Your contribution is key to the success of an ambitious project like ours!