Leaving Apple & Google:

  • Follow Murena’s fundraising program
  • Wired says “/e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It”

Follow Murena’s fundraising program

Murena is considering a fundraising campaign this year, allowing anyone to become a co-owner. This campaign will be open to both larger investors and smaller investors through crowdfunding.

If you’re interested in joining this journey, please sign up here: https://murena.com/investors.

Any amount is welcome as Murena gauges interest and sees how many of you would like to contribute.

Please note: this form is not a binding commitment, just an expression of interest to learn more about the campaign when it launches.

Thank you for being part of the /e/OS community and for helping explore this exciting opportunity for Murena.

Wired says “/e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It”

Scott Gilbertson from Wired has been testing /e/OS for more than 6 months and now gives us his verdict in his recent review.

“A phone’s operating system may not matter to everyone, but if you’re someone who wants to leave the binary world of Apple and Google behind,  /e/OS is well worth a try”.

Support the project!

User’s data privacy and finding alternatives to regain control over our data has never been a more pressing issue than it is today. The timing is great to build something new!

Your contribution is key to the success of an ambitious project like ours!

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