Leaving Apple & Google:

  • Our 2021 roadmap
  • Facts about Google data collection on Android
  • 1st anniversary of our partnership with Fairphone

Our 2021 roadmap


We thought you would be interested in learning more about our roadmap this year, so we created a post listing our focus areas for the remainder of 2021.

Better App support, more apps in /e/, better user experience, better camera, more privacy, etc…

Everything is listed in more detail in this article available on Medium or on our Community Forum.

Enjoy and don’t hesitate to comment!

Facts about Google data collection on Android

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We are often asked to share details about how Google collects user information within Google Android. So we have created a blog post on Medium and on our Community Forum that lists everything we have found so far, based on our own work and external studies.

The list is long and scary to be honest and should validate your choice if you have already switched to /e/OS on your phone.

If not, what are you waiting for?

Check our list of supported devices or our pre-installed phones ready to buy

1st anniversary of our partnership with Fairphone

One year ago, we announced our partnership with Fairphone to introduce the first privacy conscious and sustainable smartphone.

Since the launch of /e/OS, we realized that many of you were not only concerned about your data privacy and limiting unnecessary data streams, but you also wanted hardware that would last longer and be repairable. It was therefore obvious to us that Fairphone would be a great platform for all of you, providing a phone that ticks the boxes of easy repairs, durability, and ethical sourcing.

In 2020 and 2021, we have launched /e/OS on Fairphone 3, Fairphone 3+ and are looking to improve also our support of the Fairphone 2. We have been amazed by the reception of /e/OS on Fairphone models.

Working with Fairphone and the people there has been a great experience, it’s really nice to have a partner that is enthusiastic about our project and to collaborate with the Fairphone community.

We are super excited about what we have achieved together so far and looking forward to making it even better in the future.

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