Dejando Apple y Google: Discover “Age of Data: the Card Game!”

Introducing Age of Data: the Card Game! A unique and fun card game about personal data collection.

Imagine your phone going ‘TADA!’ every time it sends out your !DATA without you knowing.

We want people to be aware of personal data collection practices in commercial mobile operating systems and applications. So we have designed a unique card game to make the learning curve fun and easy.

Age of Data: the Card Game” will teach anyone, from 7 to 77 and even more, the basics of personal data challenges, and how anyone can reduce their exposure to micro-targeting and personal data collection.

“Age of Data: the Card Game” is available now as a beta version following this link, that anyone can download for free (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licensed, print and cut, to start playing with friends and families.

In return, we expect your feedback in the community forum.

We will use this feedback to improve the game in its final version, that will be available for free download and also “ready to use” at production and handling costs.

Download now!

Play and report your feedback here!

¡Apoya el proyecto!

La privacidad de tus datos como usuario y la búsqueda de alternativas para recuperar el control de nuestros datos nunca ha sido un tema más apremiante que hoy en día. ¡El momento es perfecto para construir algo nuevo!

¡Tu contribución es clave para el éxito de un proyecto tan ambicioso como el nuestro!

Contribuir, probar y reportar errores en /e/OS

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