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Fairphone and /e/ expand the availability of /e/OS to Fairphone 3+ users
Fairphone, the Dutch social enterprise building a market for ethical phones and motivating the industry to act more responsibly and /e/OS, the privacy by design operating system that focuses on protecting user data, have announced /e/OS for Fairphone 3+ as well as the Easy Installer for Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 3+ users who want to install/e/OS on their phones themselves.
Amsterdam, 12th of November 2020
Following the successful launch of /e/OS for Fairphone 3 in April 2020, people across Europe will now be able to buy the latest Fairphone, Fairphone 3+, with /e/OS software. The collaboration between Fairphone and /e/OS is the first of its kind, providing users with a phone that puts both privacy and sustainability first. Fairphone community members nominated /e/OS as their alternative operating system (OS) of choice when asked which OS they wanted for the next Fairphone – highlighting that fairer technology for many isn’t just about the device and its components but also about the software that powers the product. The launch of /e/OS for Fairphone 3+ proves Fairphone’s commitment to providing its users with options when it comes to privacy, giving them the option of choosing from the standard Android OS and /e/OS, for those who value the protection of their personal data.
For those who already own a Fairphone, /e/OS has also launched the Easy Installer for Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 3+, with help from their community. /e/’s goal with their Easy Installer is to make /e/OS available to as many users as possible. The Easy Installer, currently in beta version, is making /e/OS more widely accessible to many users who want to use a more privacy conscious operating system but lack the technical skills to flash a smartphone. To download /e/OS with the Easy Installer, users just need to connect their phone to their computer via USB and it will then be detected and install /e/OS.
Eva Gouwens, Fairphone’s CEO comments: “We’re excited to continue our partnership with /e/OS, extending the availability of the software to users of our latest smartphone, Fairphone 3+. What makes the Easy Installer special is that even the not-so-techy can now Install the OS on their phone with minimal difficulty. We’re pleased that we can provide our users with an alternative, privacy focused operating system for those that want it. ”
Gaël Duval, /e/OS founder comments: “The success of /e/OS on Fairphone 3 is a sign that people are demanding a new approach for mobile phones. Something more ethical from both the hardware and the software. Now with the support of Fairphone 3+ through the Easy Installer, or pre-installed from our online store, we are once more extending our natural audience, through this mutually beneficial partnership.”
The Fairphone 3+ with /e/OS will be available to purchase from November 12th 2020 on the /e/ online shop for RRP 499,90€ across Europe.
Existing Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 3+ owners will also be able to download and switch to /e/OS from /e/OS website.
À propos de /e/
Founded by Gaël Duval, /e/OS builds mobile operating systems with pre-installed apps and online services that help users regain control of their personal data on their phones. /e/OS is committed to providing better data privacy and security for individuals and corporations, along with a state-of-the-art user-friendly experience.
/e/OS is a global project, supported by an international core team of experienced entrepreneurs, developers and designers, and a vibrant growing community of contributors. It’s mission is to make technology that makes user privacy accessible to everyone.
For additional information and interview requests, please contact:
Véronique Loquet and Brittny Mendoza
À propos de Fairphone
Fairphone construit un marché pour les téléphones éthiques et motive l'industrie à agir de manière plus responsable. Nous concevons, produisons et vendons des smartphones afin de dévoiler la chaîne d'approvisionnement qui se cache derrière nos produits, de sensibiliser aux problèmes les plus urgents et de prouver qu'il est possible de faire les choses différemment. Avec nos partenaires et collaborateurs, nous nous efforçons de faire du bien être des personnes et de la planète un élément à part entière de nos activités.
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For additional information and interview requests, please contact:
Ioiana Pires Luncheon et Lora Haspels
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